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A.B.Vajpayee: The Swearing-in Chart (1998)

 Sanjay Rath  August 10, 2013  0 Comments on A.B.Vajpayee: The Swearing-in Chart (1998)

Please note we have retired from political astrology. These old articles published in popular astrology magazines; their accuracy speaks for themselves. Narayana Dasa has been my strongest tool for timing events over the years – nothing can match the power of Narayana in showing the truth.
The Vajpayee Government was sworn in on Thursday March 19, 1998 at 9:32’: 33’’ AM IST at New Delhi . The Muhurat for the swearing in seems to have been chosen very well, as it is a quadrant from both the Lagna and Dasamsa Lagna.

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Samudāya Aṣṭakavarga

 Narasimha P.V.R.Rao  August 10, 2013  0 Comments on Samudāya Aṣṭakavarga

Om Sree Vaache Namah: Om Sree Brihaspataye Namah: Om Sree Gurubhyo Namah
Ashtakavarga is a popular method in India for making predictions. Maharishi Parasara said that the intellectual pygmies of Kali Yuga cannot make intelligent compromises and mix various principles. He said that they need a simple system for making good predictions. He presented Ashtakavarga as that simple system.

The list of benefic and malefic houses for each planet with respect to the eight references – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Lagna – can be found in classics.

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Putin Chart

 Sanjay Rath  August 10, 2013  0 Comments on Putin Chart

This is a one day workshop on the horoscope of Vladimir Putin – a man feared and loved by many in this world.

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Sixteen Divisions

 Sanjay Rath  August 10, 2013  0 Comments on Sixteen Divisions

The exact rectification of the birth time gives sixteen divisional ascendants. In the old days when charts were prepared by hand, a table showing each of these divsions of the Lagna and all the navagraha was prepared. It gave a glimpse of the positions of each of the planets in each of the D-charts. What we learn in these video’s (please view the entire playlist) is how the lagna impacts the life of the individual.

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Tithi Pravesha

 Sanjay Rath  August 10, 2013  0 Comments on Tithi Pravesha

Tithi Pravesha is the high watermark of our tradition. Unlike the Tajaka authors of mid-west and greece who used the solar return charts, we in the east use the tithi return. This is the moment when the sun and moon form the exact same angle that they did at the time of our birth annually. Another condition is that the Sun must be in the same sidereal sun-sign; thats because we are human and not gods.