Category: SJC

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Sri Jagannath Center

 Sanjay Rath  August 9, 2013  0 Comments on Sri Jagannath Center

Sri Jagannath Center (SJC) was established in 1998 in India with the objective of teaching jyotish in the time honored tradition of maharishi Parasara and Jaimini and sages of yore. The tradition traces its lineage to Mahapurush Achyuta Dasa, the disciple of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Jyotish or Vedic astrology is taught by a panel of jyotish gurus in the traditional jyotish parampara of Sri Achyuta Dasa of Jagannath, Puri.
SJC attempts to infuse the highest standards of integrity through the strict discipline of yogic practices of Vedic tradition including training in remedial measures.