Category: Spirit

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Hayagrīva Stotram

 C.S. Ramanujam  August 11, 2013  0 Comments on Hayagrīva Stotram

Soon after the creation, the demons Madhu and Kaitabha had stolen the Vedas and had wrought havoc on the life of others. During this period the supreme Lord Sriman Narayana incarnated as Lord Hayagreeva to kill these two demons and restore the stolen Vedas to the Creator, Lord Sri Brahma.
In 1267 AD a great saint, poet and logician by the name Sri Venkatanatha was born, who was later to be known as Sri Venkatadesika. During his times, he was considered to be “Vishnughantavatar” ( an incarnation of the famous bell of Lord Srinivasa (Tirupati Balaji).

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Diwali – Light the inner Lamp

 Lakshmi Ramesh  August 10, 2013  0 Comments on Diwali – Light the inner Lamp

Namaste! From tomorrow, Kartika Masa, the month of Akash deepa starts. Since Dakshinayana is a malefic period, and lighting of a lamp and praying to Shiva/Ista Devata is supposed to protect one from going to naraka (hell) “Traahimaam narakaath ghoraath, deepajyothi namosthute”, I just felt like sharing a few thoughts … please pardon (but do correct) any errors that creep into my modest narrative.

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An Introduction to Hinduism

 Sanjay Rath  August 10, 2013  0 Comments on An Introduction to Hinduism

The word Hindu is said to have two origins: –
Hindu (WRONG): As derived from the word Sindhu or the people living to the east of the Indus Valley Civilisation. This concept seems to fit into the rudimentary historical theory of the start of civilization with the Indus Valley cultures of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro.

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Spiritual Practice of Yoga

 Sanjay Rath  August 10, 2013  0 Comments on Spiritual Practice of Yoga

Karen Aren is a Registered Yoga Teacher trained in a style of yoga called Prana Yoga which was taught to her by Dr. Jeff Migdow MD in the lineage of Swami Kripalvananda.  In Prana Yoga the student is taught to hold postures for a longer duration with the simultaneous use of pranayama and mantra as a method of accessing the prana of the seven chakras.    Karen teaches Prana Yoga on Long Island, New York and is available for group and private lessons.