By J Sarat Chander
HL – Hora Lagna GL – Ghatika Lagna UL – Upapada Lagna
Chart of the Vice President of the USA, Mr. Al Gore, Born on 31st March 1948 at Washington DC, USA.
AC | – 13 deg 20 min. | Char Karak | Jupiter | 05 deg 28 min. | Gnati |
Sun | 17 deg 47 min | Matri | Venus | 02 deg 53 min. | Dara |
Moon | 10 deg 11 min | Pitri | Saturn | 22 deg 51 min. | Bhratri |
Mars | 25 deg 00 min | Atma | Rahu | 22 deg 53 min. | Putra |
Mercury | 23 deg 46 min | Amatya | Ketu | 22 deg. 53 min |
As may be seen from the above chart, Mr. Al Gore was born in Cancer Ascendant and Scorpio Navamsa Lagna. Moon the ascendant lord/Lagna Lord has gone to the 6th and is in conjunction with the lord of the 6th – Jupiter, who is in his own house (Sagittarius). The Ascendant has conjoined Saturn (lord of the 7th and 8th) and Mars (lord of the 5th & 10th). Mars, being the lord of the 10th, conjoining the Ascendant gives rise to Kendradipathi yoga and it is also his Yogakaraka. Though it is debilitated, its conjunction with Saturn (the lord of its exaltation sign) in a kendra (Ascendant) cancels the debilitation and gives rise to Neechabhanga Rajyoga. Moon, the lord of lagna, conjoining the 6th lord in 6th house gives rise to Dheemantah yoga, which makes him a very well read and knowledgeable person. Mars and Saturn conjunction in the Lagna also makes him a very hardworking person though the traces of a sagging spirit could be seen in him occasionally due to the debility of Mars and also the conjunction of Saturn. Besides, the lagna is also conjunct A3 and A10, the arudha padas of the 3rd and 10th house. The 10th lord (Mars) conjoins A10. This also makes him a man with great strength to achieve the goals of his karma/action. Thus, his Martian qualities will predominate his disposition because it has won over the ‘Graha Yuddha’ and is the Atmakaraka.
The Ascendant is also aspected by Venus from the 11th house – Taurus, which also happens to be his Arudha Lagna (Arudha Lagna is arrived at by first calculating the number of signs the Lagna Lord has moved from its house (Lagna) and then by progressing those many signs from its placement). This makes him a person with a very charming personality and a strong charisma. Venus, being the karak for Arudha Lagan (Maya), bestows upon him undying charm, name and fame as it also aspects his Lagna (the Truth). Thus, he has risen to a great height by having become a Vice President at a very young age and has gone into the history of America.
In fact, achieving the highest office is the desire of his Atma (Soul) too as may be seen from the Arudha of the Navamsa Ascendant. The Lord of Navamsa Lagna – Mars, becoming Atmakaraka becomes a Karaka yoga – a great yoga in itself. It is also quite interesting to note that the Martian sign Scorpio plays an important role in deciding the US President and Mr. Al Gore has Scorpio rising in his Navamsa Lagna.
The lagnesh – Moon – having gone to the 6th house not only makes him a Dheemantah, but he is also troubled by a number of enemies and great amount of his energy is spent fighting his adversaries. No wonder he has a good number of adversaries given the fact that he is in politics and his desire is to achieve the highest office. Jupiter’s presence in the same house, which is also his own house, indicates presence of strong political enemies but he will win over these adversaries as Moon has won over Jupiter in degrees.
His Upapada conjoins Ketu, Hora Lagna (HL), A7 (Arudha pada of 7th house) in the 4th house and it has the aspect (Rasi drishti) of Venus from the Arudha Lagan and Mercury in the 8th house. His Upapada is also in “Sashtashtak” relationship with the Arudha Lagna. This means that his public image would, quite often, be a source of disturbance in his private life.
His Dasamsa (D10) chart has Cancer rising in the ascendant and Sun is placed in the 10th house – Aries – in exaltation. Mars is once again aspecting both the Dasamsa Lagna and the Sun in Aries by Rasi drishti from Scorpio – the 5th house. Moreover, the Dasamsa lagnesh, Moon, is placed in a trine (9th house) to the ascendant. This indicates that he should rise in his karma to achieve the high political offices in his lifetime, which he is bound to do so.
His Ghatika Lagna, which indicates power and authority, is placed in Virgo (Kanya) in the 3rd house, which is the 5th from Arudha Lagna. The Ghatika Lagna is also aspected by Sun in Pisces; Jupiter and Moon in Sagittarius and A9 in Gemini. The aspect of Sun, Moon and Jupiter on the Ghatika Lagna is very beneficial for his political career. He is currently running the Rahu Mahadasa – Saturn Antar Dasa. Rahu is occupying the 10th house in his natal chart (Rasi Chart) and is aspecting the 10th from Arudha Lagna (Aquarius), which is its own house, while Saturn occupying the Lagna also aspects Aquarius (10th from Arudha Lagna). He also begins his Aquarius Narayan Dasa, which begins from 1st April 2000. This indicates that he will be blessed with high offices. He already continues to hold one (Vice President for the past 7 years) and definitely seems to be a potentially strong candidate to ascend to the highest office – that of the President of the US.