Tag: Jagannath

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Festivals of Jagannath

 Sanjay Rath  February 7, 2015  0 Comments on Festivals of Jagannath

This is Celebrated from the tenth day of the bright fortnight of Falguna up to the full moon day. The representative deities Dologobinda, Bhudevi and Sreedevi are taken in a procession to Dolabedi located outside the outer compound wall of the main Temple and special rites are performed.

This Takes place in the month of Vaisaksha and continues for long 42 days. But, generally speaking it is a Festival of first 21 days only. The first period of 21 days is known as “Bahar Chandan”or outer Chandan.

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Daily Rituals

 Sanjay Rath  February 7, 2015  0 Comments on Daily Rituals

(The timings are subject to change depending upon the rituals of the day as prescribed by the Vedic Astrologer (see ABAKASH)

1. “DWARPHITA & MANGAL ALATI ” AT 5 A.M. (Opening of the door and morning prayer)
The door opens early in the morning in the presence of the five specific sevayats after verification of the “seal” given by a particular sevayat in the last night. Soon after the opening of the door, sacred lamps is offered to the deities which is called “Mangal Alati”.


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Radha-Damodara Vesha

 Sanjay Rath  August 11, 2013  1 Comment on Radha-Damodara Vesha

राधा (rādhā) means various things and people

prosperity and success and refers to the completion of karma related to birth thereby becoming eligible for mokṣa which marks the real success
it refers to the 21st Nakṣatra Uttara Āsāḍha which houses 14/15 parts of the intercalary nakṣatra Abhijit which is the seat of Hari (Nārāyaṇa, Jagannāth). The two nakṣatra 20th Pūrva Āsāḍha and 21st Uttara Āsāḍha are parts of the dharma bhāva along with Mūla nakṣatra in Dhanus (Sagittarius) Rāśi.

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Badasrunghara Vesha

 Sanjay Rath  August 11, 2013  0 Comments on Badasrunghara Vesha

This is a very beautiful vesha. It is done before the night time ‘pahuda’, when the deities can take rest. Simply stated, it is the ‘night dress’ of Jagannath and siblings Balabhadra and Subhadra.
It is therefore the vesha the deities appear in the following morning, for mangala arati.
This vesha is mostly made of different kinds of flowers.

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Abakasha Vesha

 Sanjay Rath  August 11, 2013  0 Comments on Abakasha Vesha

Costume Of Lord JagannathOn each and every day, the Abakash Besha (vesha) of Sri Lord Jagannath is made soon after completetion of Mangala Arati & Mailam.
The schedule time of this Besha is between 6 AM to 6:30 AM . The morning brushing of teeth and procedure of bathing of deities is known as Abakash. It is said that this abakasha vesha has been inducted into the daily rituals by Acharya Sankara i.e. Adi Shankara, in the 9th century B.C.