Tag: Tithi

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Tithi Pravesha

 Sanjay Rath  August 10, 2013  0 Comments on Tithi Pravesha

Tithi Pravesha is the high watermark of our tradition. Unlike the Tajaka authors of mid-west and greece who used the solar return charts, we in the east use the tithi return. This is the moment when the sun and moon form the exact same angle that they did at the time of our birth annually. Another condition is that the Sun must be in the same sidereal sun-sign; thats because we are human and not gods.

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Introduction to Vedic Astrology

 Sanjay Rath  August 10, 2013  0 Comments on Introduction to Vedic Astrology

Perhaps the first step in Vedic Astrology is to discard the idea that it is some kind of a superstition. Astrology is composed of two words “Astro” referring to the study of celestial bodies and phenomena and “Logos” meaning the logical application of this scientific study. Vedic refers to the period of the writing of the Vedas and the codification of the data from the Brighu’s (database created across India in the form of Brighu Samhita having records of various birth charts and their life events).